The Team

I am going to be pairing up with a best friend and alumnus, Dr. Libby Paskey, to bring more quality content weekly to both of our family and friends. While we both love creating and making these educational posts for everyone, well sometimes life gets in the way. Some periods it’s harder to accomplish all that you would like to while maintaining balance and a happy life. Maybe somedays you just want to binge watch some Netflix, who knows? Plus, who doesn’t love wiggling in more time to chat, create and share with your bff who seems to live just a little too far away.

First off, I could probably go on for quite some time about how wonderful and smart Dr. Libby is, but I will try to highlight her best qualities. She is foremost, extremely passionate about what she does and the education behind it. Being passionate about staying up to date with the latest research and treatment keeps her on the edge of her game. She puts 100% into everything she does, missing no small detail. She transfers these qualities with ease into her everyday practice. Giving each and every patient her undivided attention and care.

Dr. Libby was an athlete growing up and continued her love for sports into her practice today. She has been that athlete trying to push through injuries, to do just one more rep and she has seen the consequences of her actions later on. Her biggest regret was not learning about proper care and treatment in her younger years. Now she is driven to educate anyone she can on how to continue to do what you love, but in a much safer and healthier way.


Expecting Mothers


Trigger Point Release