Top Chiropractors of 2018 Palm Beach Illustrated Award

Dr. Shanele Lundahl, DC, MS was awarded in the field of chiropractic medicine. 

This year I was awarded as one of Palm Beach Illustrated’s Top Chiropractors of 2018. When I received the email announcing my award, I thought it was a prank. I came to S Florida just over three years ago and stepped into a work force that was completely new and overwhelming. The saying that doctors eat their young became very real for me right away. My first couple boss’ treated me less than my worth and the worst part was that I allowed it. However, amongst the darkness I found light in people who believed in me more than I believed in myself. Their love, support and courage helped me to put my foot down and demand more. Slowly over the years I built a voice I wasn’t afraid to use anymore. I started demanding the respect I deserved. I also decided I would practice medicine the way I wanted and not allow those small insignificant voices around me, dictate my care. I have worked my entire life to be where I am today and no one will get in my way again. So thanks again, I am incredibly humbled by this.  


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