Cervical Mobility II

CERVICAL MOBILITY || Today we are going to go over how to improve the mobility in your neck. There are many joints in your neck and well, they really like to keep moving. When the joints of your neck stop moving well or really at all, this is when the symptoms can begin. These can range from tension headaches & decreased range of motion to radiation of pain &/or numbness/tingling down the neck & into the arm. All of which decrease the quality of your life in some capacity.

These exercises especially help our clients who are desk jockeys, overhead athletes, new mothers, teenagers and drivers. These types of patients are very prone to developing that upper cross syndrome pattern that we discussed last week. Doing a little bit each day, to help prevent chronic symptoms.

Strengthening Exercise - Deep Neck Flexors → These are the guys the help correct & prevent chin poking. You can use a resistance band, a towel against a wall or even your hands. The resistance goes behind the head, placing it close to the middle. When performing this exercise you have to think more double chin action, rather than leaning your head back so that your chin pokes out & up. You want to move your face back symmetrically & perpendicular to the floor. Hold for 5 seconds & release. Repeat 3-5x, multiple times in a day if you can.


Thoracic Mobility


Cervical Mobility I