
HAMSTRINGS || Ladies I have some bad news → we tend to be quad dominant, while the boys tend to be hamstring dominant. If I had to choose one, I would ALWAYS choose hamstring dominance. Why? Because well, in reality when we are quad dominant we tend to compensate in terrible ways & you know who feel is the most? Our low backs, hips & knees! However, when we are hamstring dominant this is not common at all. We land from jumping in a much safer way, when we take a stride whether walking, jogging, yogging, or full on sprinting - we know our hamstrings got our backs (hips & knees too)!

Favorite way to strengthen hamstrings + work on balance/hip stability? → Single Leg Deadlifts!

Begin with NO weight. Find your balance & your groove before you try to compete w/ the person next to you at the gym. If balance is a true issue, grab a stick to help balance you while you get the movement pattern down.

I like to start with simple airplanes or for my yogis, warrior 3. Really learn to ground your foot in, gripping w/ all your toes like your a monkey & give a slight bend to your knee which increases as you lower down. The end of the movement you should resemble a ‘T’.

When you’ve found your groove you should add weight! I like to counterbalance the legs at first w/the weight being in both hands. Barbell, kettlebell or dumbbells work fabulously.

Progressions → Weight in both hands → Weight in single hand (opposite) → Switch hands → Weight on back.

Avoid → Allowing your body + hips to rotate towards the sky, pelvis + chest should be parallel to the floor. Leading with your chest, don’t flex your trunk unless that back leg is coming w/ you!

Single+Leg+Deadlift+w +Weight+Finished.JPG

Shin Splint Hero


Quads - Sumo Squats