Women Empowerment: Jackie

I am going to use this day to highlight the woman I surround myself with, who truly inspire me, each & every day. This week my #wcw goes out to my friend Jackie. This girl is crazy creative, artistic & determined. She definitely has one unique eye behind the lens.

Jackie is a Parson’s alumnus currently working out of New York City and S Florida. Right now she is focusing on documentary filmmaking & non-profit videography. On top of being a Video Content Producer, she is the Digital Content Producer and Editor-in-Chief of Blindfold Magazine, which is a socially conscious online publication. Jackie feels that it is her personal vocation to use her creative skills to raise awareness for people & organizations who are making positive change, both locally and globally.

She has expanded into the filmmaking business within the last few years & has developed a real passion for it. She is currently in pre-production for her role as Director/Writer/Producer of her first feature-length documentary film. On top of all her roles in her career she also finds time to volunteer in mentoring teens & young adults exploring careers in Videography, Filmmaking, and Photography.

I am stupid proud of her & all her crazy accomplishments since I have met her. She has been a best friend to my fiance & an important part of both of our lives now. She even recently made my day by making time to do our engagement photos as she snuck down to Florida to hang with her brand new niece (light of her life). So, thank you Jackie. I can’t wait till you take our little ones everywhere with you & teach them all your magic!

Check out more of her material at www.blindfoldmag.com! 


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