Hip Mobility

Today we are targeting the hips. Just a quick recap! In LCS, the muscles in the front of the hip (hip flexors) are overly tight placing tension on & inhibiting the muscles in the back (hip extensors). The goal w/ the exercises below are to reduce tension in the surrounding musculature & activate the extensors.

Standing Hip Flexor Stretch→ Stand facing a wall w/ one leg behind the other in a tall lunge position. Make sure you keep your torso upright. You can play with keeping the heel of the back foot down on the ground or coming up a little on your toes. If you keep your back foot on your toes, bend into the forward knee a little more to stretch out the hip of the back leg (see picture). Place the same hand of your forward leg on the wall for support. Then take the opposite arm & reach up over to the opposite side to open up the torso. Hold for 10-20 seconds & then switch sides

Figure 4 stretch→ Lay on your back with both knees bent and feet flat on the ground. Take one of your legs and draw your knee up to your chest, then place the outer part of the ankle on the opposite knee and allow the knee to fall rotating the hip out. If this enough of a stretch for you, then remain in this position. If you are looking for more of a stretch, bring the other knee up towards your chest. You can wrap your hands around your thigh to hold the stretch. Hold for 15-20 seconds then switch sides.


Hip Strengthening


Low Back Mobility