Low Back Mobility

A lot of these issues arise in patient’s due to the sedentary nature of our lifestyle or the poor movement patterns we use day in & out. Most of the time you can avoid &/or even reduce symptoms of LCS by working on mobility in your low back + hips + legs a few times a week. During this mobility training you want to be aware of your joint alignment & where you body is in space. It’s ok if your stretches do not look like mine (yet!) does not mean you cannot work on them - cause it probably means you need it!

Cat-Cow → This is a fabulous full spine mobility drill + helps teach movement between your low back + pelvis. You really need to focus on your breathing as well. Start on all fours w/ wrists directly under shoulders + knees under hips. Imagine there is a string that passes through the center of your back down to the floor. When you INHALE, act like someone is pulling that string from below - drop the belly to the mat, lift chin + hips to the sky through extension. When you EXHALE act like the string is being pulled from above - arch your back as much as possible while dropping your chin + tucking tailbone in. Repeat to create a great flow.


Hip Mobility


Low Back Mobility + Belly Breathing